The word ‘chakra’ is originally from the Sanskrit language, meaning ‘wheel.’ Chakras are vortices of energy which receive & transform energies in our environment.

What is Bi-Aura therapy?

{about BI-AURA}

Bi-Aura Therapy is an advanced therapy of bio-energy healing.

Working with our life force, also known as ‘Chi or Prana’, BI-AURA is completely natural and gentle, yet effective and safe for anyone to experience, from children to adults, even animals.

Bi-Aura therapy is focused upon balancing the field of energy that makes up & is the human body. Some people know this as the body’s ‘bio-energy field,’ ‘energy body’ or ‘aura.’ The bio-field is a fusion of two forms of energy; as a practitioner we use, Cosmic energy radiating from space & Earth energy emanating from our planet. These energies flow vertically through the body meeting at energy centres known as ‘chakras.’

{chakra system}

We have 7 major chakras that run along the central column of the body.

Each ‘Chakra’ correlates to specific glands in the endocrine system, as well as specific areas of the physical body. Not only do we have the 7 major chakras, we also have minor chakras & meridian lines that are located throughout the body. These help to move the energy more effectively throughout our bodies and are good indicators when something is not right.

Bi-Aura practitioners are trained to detect imbalances in a person’s bio-field and chakras. Our aim is to bring the chakras back into alignment and balance, through a selection of powerful Bi-Aura techniques.

When our chakras or bio-field become weakened, stressed, or damaged, a reduction of energy flowing into the many complex systems of the body can occur, leading to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual ailments and dis-ease of the body.


What happens in a session

A Bi-Aura session when performed can sometimes look like the practitioner is performing a flowing dance around the client. It is a series of graceful movements designed to help focus the therapist’s mind as they work to shift the energy flow in and around the client’s body. It is a gentle process with no physical manipulation and minimal contact (if we need to touch a client, we will always ask permission.)

Before your session begins, your Bi-Aura therapist will chat with you about your medical history, any major life events and we encourage our clients to set an intention for their sessions.

You remain fully clothed during a session, removing only large jewellery, phones, belts & shoes. Your Bi-Aura therapist may do some Qi-gong, breathing exercises, or a meditation to help the client relax, quiet the mind and tune in to their energy system.

You may be standing for the first part of the session either with your eyes opened or closed. This allows the therapist to scan your energy field and chakras before beginning to stimulate the flow of energy & clear the blockages in the chakra.

You may be seated for the next portion of the session as more techniques are performed to balance, harmonise, clear and ground. For some clients they drop into a state of deep relaxation.

Towards the end of the session, you may be asked to stand again for scanning and final checks of the energy system. Alternatively, for those unable to stand or if it feels uncomfortable to stand for periods of time, the whole session can be performed seated.

{the heart chakra}

Many clients have positive results
with Bi-Aura

With physical ailments, the added bonus is an increased sense of well-being. Many clients wish to continue with on-going sessions as part of their well-being maintenance and self-care routine.

The recommended course of treatment is 1 session for 3 wks with a follow-on session about a month later.

Remote Bi-Aura sessions are £65 for 1 hour

Bi-Aura Treatment

1 hour session – £65